Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in South Carolina

Address: 1276 Ruddy Duck Rd Camden 29020

Approximate value $: 665000

Lake Wateree log cabin 5 plus acres, 156 waterfront, 4800sqft. Looking to trade for rental properties in Florence,SC or Gainesville Fl. ALSO will rent, RTO, and owner finance available.

In exchange for Property in Florida, South Carolina, 29501 and sorrounding areas

Approximate value $ : 150000 to 650000

income producing would be nice, but interested in all, what do you have? also Yacht, sailboats, classics, beach front, etc

ID: 8493, Submitted: 09/30/2010 14:33:57, Updated: 03/18/2011 10:08:15, Visitors: 11568


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