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House in Tennessee

Address: Happy Hollow rd Hohenwald 38462

Approximate value $: 81000

Would Like to Swap Free and Clear 3 1 1/2 Bath with .47 acre lot in Hohenwald TN 38462. Home has City Water/Sewer c/h/a enclosed 24' above ground pool. Good size Garden Plot.
Minutes (about 3 Blocks to Wallmart) 1 Hour SW of Nashville TN. Taxes under $ 600. a year. Small Rural town.

School bus pick up in front of house

Click here: Hohenwald among best cities to raise children | 8462/41719015_zpid/

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I would like to Swap for FLORIDA Deed for Deed, debt free Like mine I may consider trading up... Please no RTO Mine is free and clear and would like to swap for same. I don't mind a fixer as long as Livable... Trailers ok must be on own land and equal Value. Prefer Rural area or at least where Farm animals are allowed.

In exchange for House in Florida, 33801

Approximate value $ : 81000

House or Newer Trailer that allows garden plot and Farm animals Please no RTO deed for deed I dont mind a fixer as long as Value is there

ID: 11121, Submitted: 12/29/2010 10:43:45, Updated: 12/31/2010 07:07:18, Visitors: 7686


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