Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Tennessee

Address: 722 Lena st Nashville 37208

Approximate value $: 110000

Want to trade duplex apartment building. Monthly income is $1200. Older home made into 2 apts @ 3br/1Ba each side. on 2 city lots. remodeled approx 3 ys ago. Each apt is approx 1000sq/ft. Low Mortgage balance + the equity for trade.

In exchange for House in New Mexico, 87002

Approximate value $ : ?

will trade for house, apts or land (or ??) in the new mexico area

ID: 12231, Submitted: 02/03/2011 10:48:11, Updated: 02/03/2011 10:48:11, Visitors: 5606


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