Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Tennessee

Address: amnicola hwy. chattanooga tn. 37406

Approximate value $: $39,990.

Will dry-in this 16x32 log homeon your log home on your lot for only $39,990. carport and storage roomis about $10,000 extra. Kit only for $24,900. Trade on motor home , auto boat, land etc. Also owner financing if lot is free and clear.Start out small and add on later. Let us show you how. Visit our web at also have 1 four acre lot near chattanooga on sand mtn Ga 25 minute from downtown

In exchange for Land in Any state

ID: 13157, Submitted: 03/15/2011 21:55:49, Updated: 03/15/2011 21:55:49, Visitors: 3485


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