Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Tennessee

Address: 104 River Bluff Way Bluff City 37618

Approximate value $: 140,000.00

1 1/2 miles away from Bristol Motor Speed Way. House has been done with hard wood floors on the inside. It is a 3 bdrm 2 1/2 bath 2400 sqft with a 2 car guarage. House also has a large yd and is a 30 sec drive from the lake and 5 min drive from South Holston River. House is located in a sub division called River Bluff Landing.

In exchange for House in Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

Approximate value $ : 130,000.00

Close to the beach, 5-10 min, 2 bd rm atleast maybe 3. 1.5 bath atleast.

ID: 14786, Submitted: 06/19/2011 16:45:57, Updated: 01/11/2012 16:00:29, Visitors: 3267


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