Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Tennessee

Address: breckenridge murfreesboro 37129

Approximate value $: 499,000

5000 sq ft home is Beautiful Breckenridge Subdivision
Subdivision has 2 pools and one tennis court
Matured Subdivision with trees
Very flexible house;
3 bed rms down
2.5 baths down
2 bd or bonus up
living rm up
1.5 Bath up
heat and air storage up and large open attic up.
Custom remodeled Kitchen
Large remodeled Master bath with pedestal tub and huge walkin shower.
Granite counters in Kitchen and master Bath.
downstairs is all Tile and Hardwood

In exchange for House in Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

- Looking for Beach condo, townhouse, etc in FL, Myrtle beach, AL. - Also looking to down size our house here in TN
- also interested in charleston, SC downtown

ID: 23330, Submitted: 06/05/2013 10:05:42, Updated: 06/08/2013 10:43:12, Visitors: 4712


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