Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Tennessee

Address: 147 Zion Church Road Copperhill 37317

Approximate value $: 60,000

Is a fixer-upper property on about 3 acres. Needs TLC. Elderly couple who is disabled cannot take care of property, especially the three acres. Still owe about 16,000 on it, will be paid off Feb. 2020. Would be willing to trade off mortgages if possible of app. same amount or work out a deal to continue paying off mortgage if your home to trade is paid for. Would like to move to an easier to care for home, less property would be fine. Kind of looking for property in Fla. but would consider other places. Our place is about 10 minutes from the Ocoee River and about 1-2 hrs. away from Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, Nashville Tn. and Cherokee, N.C.

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 60,000

2 bedrooms, 2 baths, updated appliances, central heat and air a must, easy to care for acreage, walk-in shower a must for a handi-capped person, walk-in tub is desirable, can be a modular home

ID: 25700, Submitted: 01/11/2017 11:47:05, Updated: 01/11/2017 11:47:05, Visitors: 9144


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