Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Tennessee

Address: 3550 Highway 11 S Riceville 37370

Approximate value $: 220,000.00

Victorian style two story farmhouse with 2 attics built 1994 updates cooktop range, new AC unit, Backyard Fence, home warranty, garage, 1900 square feet, wrap around porch, nice area, on 1 acre, close to shopping near Athens TN and Cleveland TN, very peaceful environment.

In exchange for Condominium in Delaware, Florida, Tennessee, 37211, 37086, 32233, 19901

Approximate value $ : 220,000

Condominium, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pets, fence,!nice neighborhood area, 1900 square feet and private parking with garage.or above.

ID: 26768, Submitted: 09/17/2019 12:19:25, Updated: 09/17/2019 14:29:16, Visitors: 6699


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