Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: Mark Harker Heights Tx 76548

Approximate value $: 80,000

Corner lot at entry of quiet neighborhood. 2 Blocks from elementary school. ! block from quiet park. 3 bdr 1 3/4 bath. 1964 sq feet 1 barn style shed. Carport. Nice shade trees and very easy access to shopping of all kinds.

In exchange for House in Any state

3 bdr and 1 1/2 baths carport or garage. Fixer upper is fine as long as it is livable and does not need full remodel.

ID: 11387, Submitted: 01/05/2011 12:48:55, Updated: 01/05/2011 12:48:55, Visitors: 2453


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