Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: 19916 Mountaindale 77433

Approximate value $: 75000

This 3/2 1250 sq ft home is free and clear rented until March for $875 I also own 19319 Quietbrook Dr. Houston 77084 a 3/2 with 1715 sq ft valued at $100k with 50k assumable loan and rented for 1,050. Let's use my over $175k so that you can live in one, have income from the other.

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 175000

house, condo or commercial. No mobil homes, raw land, non USA. I prefer the western states (Ca. Nev. Ariz. oreg but will look at anythig that makes sense!

ID: 11812, Submitted: 01/18/2011 03:27:19, Updated: 01/18/2011 03:27:19, Visitors: 5346


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