Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: 77084

Approximate value $: 37000

home plus $5,000 income (houston)
Reply to:
I'm selling or trading my 3/2 SFR with 1750 sq ft zillow value is 100k, rented for $1,050 and two condos, a 2/1.5 rented for $675 and a 3/1.5 rented for $750 zillow value $37k each. All three are rented and make over $5,000 annually after paying everything! This is an extraordinary opportunity to own a home and have income. All are in Houston, good locations. e-mail me and ask for pictures, addresses, etc. Condos are free and clear, sfr has $49k mortgage and is $698/mth with taxes!
Other than knowing I want more income, I have no idea what could work. NO mobil homes, Rv's or out of USA , but out of state real estate is fine

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 175000-200000

ID: 13001, Submitted: 03/08/2011 06:17:03, Updated: 03/08/2011 06:17:03, Visitors: 6335


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