Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: 150 Calmino Del Sol Bastrop 78617

Approximate value $: 269,000

Custom built in 2007, all brick on one ac. of land energu efficient 2386 sq ft. high cielings, custom cabinetry and custom tile, and crown molding. 20 min. from UT sports and 10 min. from the Formula 1 Race track. Excellent for income, corporate retreat or entertainment home. Has plenty of room for additional improverments like pool,tennis court, or outdoor cooking/living area.

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 250,000

Near water in Texas or Florida preferably, but will consider other offers.

ID: 16477, Submitted: 09/05/2011 14:16:51, Updated: 09/05/2011 14:16:51, Visitors: 2551


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