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House in Texas

Address: Benwick St Spring 77379

Approximate value $: 105,000

1532 sqft; Corner lot/Cul-de-sac single-family home in Spring, TX (NW Houston); very quiet neighborhood; 3/2/2. Brick/veneer exterior; slab foundation; central A/C & heating unit. Ceramic tile all throughout. Open floor plan. Bonus room could be used as office/guest room. Updated bathrooms(slate flooring). Custom solid wood built-ins in master bedroom for extra storage. Vaulted ceilings in living room and master bedroom. Gas fireplace in living room. Spacious backyard & front yard; shaded lot with beautiful large trees! Exemplary schools in the area!

In exchange for House in Florida

At least 1600 sq ft, 3+ bedrooms, 2+ full baths. Slab foundation. Prefer brick exterior. Central A/C & heating unit. Exemplary schools in area. Quiet, accessable neighborhood.

ID: 18276, Submitted: 10/25/2011 14:26:50, Updated: 11/03/2011 13:56:52, Visitors: 14229


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