Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: 2000 rodgers ln providence village 76227

Approximate value $: 145,00

House built in 2007, 1970 sq ft. 2 story, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath.
Located in providence village master planned community. Currently leased until Novemeber 2013 for $1550/month.

Looking for a home in or around North Houston Texas

In exchange for House in Texas, 77375

Approximate value $ : <250,00

Looking for a home that will be a rental property. I can no longer manage the home I have in North Dallas area so looking to swap for a property here in North Houston where I now reside.

ID: 23344, Submitted: 06/11/2013 10:21:30, Updated: 06/24/2013 19:28:43, Visitors: 9503


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