Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: 625 Agua Caliente El Paso 79912

Approximate value $: 200000

This Single-Family Home is located within close proximity of the Franklin Mountains. Enjoy great sunsets/sunsets & beautiful mountain views.
Single story 4 bedsrooms, 1 full, 2 ¾ bathrooms, approximately 2,254 square feet. Nicely landscaped front and back yard.

In exchange for House in Texas

Approximate value $ : 200000

Trade for house in Dallas, Tx for similar style-3 to 4 bed/2 bath, single story, 2254 sq. ft., formal dining, spacious open area in kitchen and living room area.

ID: 23567, Submitted: 09/02/2013 04:46:24, Updated: 09/02/2013 09:26:55, Visitors: 7253


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