Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: Neches Trace Palestine 75803

Approximate value $: 130,000

1998 Brick 3/2/1 with sunroom. 1 acre 4 miles outside of town. Great 10 home neighborhood on a dead end road. Surrounded by miles of wooded acreage. All electric appliances, and an aerator system. All kitchen appliances updated last year with new stainless equipment. Fully furnished set up as 2 bedrooms and an office. I still owe approximately $120K. I am looking for a ranch, farm, acreage, or small house on acreage, manufactured home is fine with land.

In exchange for Land in Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Approximate value $ : 80-120,000

I am looking for wooded acreage. A home is not necessary. Would like to be around water away from city. Open to all offers. I do not have the extra to trade out, would have to be of equal or lesser value than my property.

ID: 24347, Submitted: 07/29/2014 17:19:42, Updated: 07/29/2014 17:21:52, Visitors: 5043


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