Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: Innisfall Circle Tomball 77377

Approximate value $: 170,000

3/2/2 starter home in Westbourne Subdivision. Small yard. Back yard opens to neighborhood park. Subdivision has access to highway 249, and 2 min from new FM 99 entrance. About 40 minute drive to UH, 30 min downtown. 20 minute to new EXXON campus in Woodlands.
Husband transferred to Austin Area. Looking for comparable switch.

In exchange for House in Texas, 78681

Approximate value $ : 175000

At least 2/2 in greater Austin area. Would consider any type structure.

ID: 25793, Submitted: 04/03/2017 02:34:33, Updated: 04/03/2017 02:34:33, Visitors: 6523


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