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House in Texas

Address: Austin 78745

Approximate value $: 250,000

2100 Campfield Paryway, Austin TX 78745:
2498sq, 3br, 2.5bath, loft, familyroom, livingroom, diningroom, kitchen with nook, 2 car attached garage. Spacous floor plan, open valuted ceiling. Home built September 2005. Upgraded Cabinets, ceramic tiling, corion countertop, and many more upgrades included.

In exchange for Town House in Illinois

Approximate value $ : 250,000

Condo, Town house or house in the city of chicago (will consider Evanston). Neighborhoods such as; lincoln park, lakeview, logan square. No Further north than: Irving Park; and no furth south than: Roosevelt) and (Lake Shore Drive, but no further west than I90/94). Must be a miniumn of 2 bedrooms; and some sort of parking. Must be in a nice, safe established nieghborhood.

ID: 278, Submitted: 04/25/2008 12:29:20, Updated: 04/25/2008 15:46:44, Visitors: 4013


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