Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: 3/2/2 on 1/2 ac waterfront lot Graford 76449

Approximate value $: 300,000

Our personal lake getaway since 1991. Great weekend lake home/cabin or modeast retirement home. 3/2/2, 1,600 SF, on 1/2 ac waterfront lot on the peninsula of Possum Kingdom Lake, just 1 hour west of Ft Worth. Extensively updated in 2001-2005, loaded with lake living features and amenities--beach, dock, covered deck, covered patio, mature trees, fig & pecan trees, sprinkler system, fenced and gated yard, great neaighbors, etc...too much to list here. Can trade for this alone or can add another secluded 2.8 acre waterfront lot with utilities that is $70,000 for a total trade value of $370,000. I have other TX properties that can be added. Willing to seller finance, trade for down payment or entire value, cash, etc. Willing to trade a late model auto, motor home, etc for down payment and finance balance. Very flexible.

In exchange for Property in Kentucky

Prefer to trade for land/farm in KY, but will consider other property in KY or any surrounding state--WV, TN, etc. Submit all trade proposals.

ID: 360, Submitted: 05/08/2008 15:00:43, Updated: 05/08/2008 15:00:43, Visitors: 6435


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