Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: Royse City, texas 75189

Approximate value $: 328,000

See #6828 under browse trades for pictures, all information $ 4rs old aproximately 3100 sq. ft. all brick 4 bedrooms, 3 bath on 1 1/2 acres in custom subdivision in East Texas

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : 300,00 to 400,000

In Northridge, Burbank, Granada Hills close to my family. Safe and very nice neighborhood 1 story approx 1800 sq. ft.+ You can see everything under #6828 hit browse trades at top. Listed Texas for California to be with family.

ID: 8320, Submitted: 09/21/2010 16:03:44, Updated: 09/21/2010 16:03:44, Visitors: 2625


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