Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Texas

Address: Station Street San Antonio - Converse 78109

Approximate value $: $70,000

Two single family 3 bedroom homes that I have rented out for 35 years of positive cash flow. On lots next to each other so they can be divided. Each rents for $600/month, real estates handles, flexible-could live in one and rent the other, .682 acre center city land, very near elementary school, near Judson High School,2 miles from Randolph Air Force Base, and commerical zoining is now just across street. Each is worth $70,000 and I would keep them except that I am 77 years old. Both rented please do not disturb tenants. No liens but could be mortgaged and I would consider self financing.Never floods

In exchange for House in Texas, 77546

Approximate value $ : $100,000 to $300,000

Would like to trade both houses worth $140,000 for a home build after 2000; 2 bath room; a large 2 bedroom or a small 3 bedroom; prefer one story, but 2 story would be OK with a straight staircase; within 35 miles of Friendswood TX. Prefer no condos, adult communities, or townhouses, and HMO if present must not be in financial distress. Would consider a home that needed repair or cleaning. Also would trade just one house, (either house).

ID: 9947, Submitted: 11/22/2010 11:38:36, Updated: 11/22/2010 11:38:36, Visitors: 8324


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