Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Utah

Address: 115 s. center st summit 84772

Approximate value $: 175,000.00

3 bed 2.5 bath home with a attached guest house/mother in law apt 1 bed 1 bath laundry kitchen living room and den/entry 1/4 acre

In exchange for Property in Colorado, 81560

Approximate value $ : 350,000.00

would like a property on western slope rifle area with water power and possibly septic looking for a shop for storage with bathroom/plumbing 1/2 acre to ? with or with out home

ID: 12213, Submitted: 02/02/2011 18:59:30, Updated: 02/03/2011 00:23:17, Visitors: 2945


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