Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Utah

Address: 1843 N 1350 W Provo 84604

Approximate value $: 380,000

Nice home in nice area of Provo. Newer home built in 2006. 3750sqft home with nice yard and 3 car garage. for additonal information please call Charles at 801-376-1804 cell or email

In exchange for House in California, Utah

Approximate value $ : 225,000-325,000

Looking for home in nice neighborhood with at least 4 bedrooms. Will consider for homes in Utah area and Southern California, San Diego, Carlsbad ect.

ID: 13169, Submitted: 03/16/2011 14:57:57, Updated: 03/16/2011 15:45:01, Visitors: 3190


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