Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Utah

Address: Moqui Garden Estates Escalante 84726

Approximate value $: $125K

Cozy, fully efficient, small family dwelling on 1/3 acre in the heart of the Grand Staircase Monument. The property is zeroscaped, but includes established shade trees with room for gardening and pets. Four seasons and lots for the outdoorsman to do year round. Just a handful of neighbors in a charming small town nestled in a high desert valley, surrounded by unbeleivably breathtaking views!

In exchange for House in California, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Washington

Approximate value $ : equal

comparable to mine, but less property

ID: 15696, Submitted: 08/14/2011 21:13:58, Updated: 08/14/2011 21:13:58, Visitors: 3803


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