Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Utah

Address: 187 S 550 E Midway 84049

Approximate value $: 429000

New completed home in beautiful Midway. 4200 sq ft (2100 finished). I was transfered to Hawaii before I could move into this gem. Recent appraisal (within the last 3 weeks) puts my home at $429,000.

I am looking for a good rental property (home/condo/office condo) that preferable is not more than $200k (however, I will look at the total package).

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 200,000

Looking for a good rental property. I will hire a professional manager for the home/condo/townhome. I prefer something in the Western United States.

ID: 2040, Submitted: 12/13/2008 07:02:28, Updated: 12/13/2008 07:02:28, Visitors: 2869


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