Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Utah

Address: 84074

Approximate value $: 650000

Nice 5000 sq.ft. home on 5 acres, located in East Erda Utah (30 miles West of Salt Lake City). 3000 sq.ft. attached garage, huge 4 stall barn with plenty of hay storage and additional 800 sq.ft. motor home garage as well. Set-up very nicely for horses. Well with extra shares of water available.

Would like to downsize to smaller home in Salt Lake, Tooele, Davis, Utah or Wasatch Counties.

In exchange for House in Utah

Approximate value $ : 300,000

ID: 20408, Submitted: 02/03/2012 17:48:47, Updated: 02/03/2012 17:48:47, Visitors: 15074


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