Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Vermont

Address: 8 Camp Rd West Dover 05356

Approximate value $: 685000

have a beautiful home in West Dover VT. (close to the Mount Snow Ski Area and resort). It has a tremendous view, swimming pond, in-law apt. Total 4BR, 4 BA.....hardwood floors, granite counter-tops, screened in porch, 3 outside decks, attached garage, partially finished basement, floor to ceiling windows, with southern and western exposure. I want to move to the Kernersville or Belews Lake area of NC. Will trade for something similar in NC.

In exchange for House in North Carolina, 27284

Approximate value $ : 400-700,000

Lake front on Belews Lake is my first choice. Kernersville area with a pond or water.

ID: 2498, Submitted: 03/17/2009 10:04:46, Updated: 03/17/2009 10:04:46, Visitors: 15269


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