Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Virginia

Address: Ruther Glen, VA 22546

Approximate value $: 165000

3 bedroom 2 bath house waterfront property. Quaint and quiet house on 1/3 acre. One level with open great room, skylights, front and back porch and shed in the back yard. See more info at:

In exchange for House in Idaho, Washington, 83840

Approximate value $ : 100,000

Looking for a house in the Sandpoint, Idaho area. Preferably with some land, and can be a fixer-upper. Or in the Spokane, WA area.

ID: 10769, Submitted: 12/19/2010 04:12:49, Updated: 12/19/2010 04:27:46, Visitors: 5593


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