Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Virginia

Address: sam snead highway hot springs va 24445va

Approximate value $: 200K

540 679 0505 phone arts and crafts house, jotul wood stove, oil heat, 3 to 4 bedrooms large open lounge, kitchen and dining room, front verandah, 2 bathrooms, 1/3 acre garden, 5miles hot springs va. fish pond. lovely old maple trees to front lawn side.
contact richard on

In exchange for House in Virginia, 20132va

Approximate value $ : 200000

I want to downsize to a two or three bedroom townhouse near hotel work in the purcellville VA area my home is ideal for retirement

ID: 19290, Submitted: 12/09/2011 15:45:50, Updated: 12/09/2011 17:50:52, Visitors: 5153


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