Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Virginia

Address: 23662

Approximate value $: 1600000

Home appraised in May 2007 (when we finished building it) for $1.95Million. It is on 2.3 acres on big water - Poquoson River with views all the way to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Home is 5300 square feet, 5BR, 3full baths, 3 half baths with a completely sound-proofed home theater that is AMAZING. We need to downsize our payment so need to go to a smaller home. We are willing to sell/trade for $1.45Million and want a 3-4BR in Poquoson or possibly York County or Gloucester. The more land the better (don't think we could stomach just 1/4 acre but try us if that's what you have). I know this is a long shot, but feel it's worth a try. If you want to move up to a larger home on the water and have a home to sell first, contact us.

In exchange for House in Virginia, 23662, 23693, 23692, 23690

Approximate value $ : 300000 to 600000

Needs to have 4BR - everything else is definitely negotiable/do-able.

ID: 2400, Submitted: 03/02/2009 18:50:16, Updated: 03/02/2009 18:50:16, Visitors: 2894


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