Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Washington

Address: Bonney Lake. 98391

Approximate value $: $300,000 +/paid $365,000

Beautiful new in 2006 craftsman 2716 sq ft. easy maintenance yard with waterfall. Close to lake & boating 4B/R, 3baths close to everything and easy 30mi commute to Seattle or take the Sounder Metro 2 mi. away. Mt Rainer view, great schools and Sr. exemption on property taxes. Own this home with no morgage. Only 6 stairs + landing, den & full bath downstairs. Exchange for smaller house or townhome in Orange County or San Diego. Must relocate to help family. Hate to leave this beautiful area as we love it.

In exchange for House in California, 92618

Approximate value $ : $280,000 to 325,000

Home or townhome with low or no HOA's

ID: 15360, Submitted: 07/23/2011 14:32:25, Updated: 07/30/2011 23:18:49, Visitors: 5365


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