Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Washington

Address: Spokane 99021

Approximate value $: 700,000

120 Acre Private 6000 SF estate 45 min N of Spokane. 1/2 Pasture & 1/2 Timber. House has 5bd/4.5 bath + 2bd/1ba inlaw quarters. Land and House appraise over 700K - need to relocate to coast will sell/trade for 440K owed.

In exchange for House in California, Washington

Prefere West Coast WA or CA, 2 - 5 Acres with 4 bedroom house.

ID: 16056, Submitted: 08/28/2011 16:36:42, Updated: 08/29/2011 12:45:12, Visitors: 6526


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