Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Washington

Address: broad st and 30th st. Bellingham 98225

Approximate value $: 500,000

More than 2 acres in South Bellingham with orchard, gardens and pond, 2 houses, mature timber, borders on parkland. Main house built in 1979 and well maintained. Live in main house and have a rental with privacy, or subdivide.

In exchange for House in California, Oregon, 94020 or 97520

Approximate value $ : >500,000

Looking for a house (not a condo or lot) in the Bay Area or Ashland Oregon with enough room to garden.

ID: 19037, Submitted: 11/28/2011 00:58:08, Updated: 11/28/2011 01:23:59, Visitors: 5634


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