Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Washington

Address: 2716 Warren Ave Seattle 98117

Approximate value $: 650000

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 650000

$650000 Zero Down, Zero Interest, Zero Payments for a Year!
Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-12-28, 6:53PM PST

Non Profit Org launching new owner occupied down payment assistance second mortgage program.

If you qualify for the payments we will arrange with our organization for you to borrow the down payment up to 20% of the purchase price.

This particular house in Queen Anne would work as follows:

$650,000 sales price
$130,000 zero interest second mortgage for your down payment
$520,000 new first mortgage fixed rate at 5%.
We will pay all your allowable closing costs.

This program will work on any house you want to buy in King County!

Send us your email qualifications or call us before we can swamped at the number below.

You can now have up to $2 million in income not counted on debt foregiveness tax if you owe a lot on your home, let us show you how to use the Act to save you money.

Up to $2 million available for hard money loans on single family housing...maximum LTV is 50%.

Short Sale Opportunities and Hard Money to Lend

We can provide you with information and advice for a fee if you want to play monopoly in the Seattle real estate market. There is $3.3 billion in commercial property that is in financial trouble in King County alone!

Read all about: How to Profit from the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act of 2007

An Excerpt from Bonanza: How to Make a Killing in Real Estate During a Global Economic Depression profit_from_the_mortgage_debt.html?cat=3

Call and ask for Will or Alex if you would like to put some business together in real estate. Fee based advisory service.


ID: 2088, Submitted: 12/28/2008 22:33:10, Updated: 12/28/2008 22:33:10, Visitors: 4440


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