Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Washington

Address: 317 simpson pkwy cheney 99004

Approximate value $: 320,000

County living in the city..6 car garage... Custom Craftsman home for sale... high end hardwood floors throughout the home, granite counter tops, all stainless appliances; double convection oven, stove top, microwave, refrigerator, wired for theater room in basement, living room and deck wired with speakers, sprinkler system, laundry/mud room,

In exchange for House in Florida, 33578

Approximate value $ : 300,00

large lot or water front, pool

ID: 24066, Submitted: 03/25/2014 09:34:59, Updated: 03/25/2014 09:38:43, Visitors: 4582


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