Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Washington

Address: 4155 DeGraff Rd Oak Harbor 98277

Approximate value $: 300,000

3 BR 2 BA 2.67 acres, newly remodeled.. located on beautiful Whidbey Island! Minutes from the city of Oak Harbor and mainland Washington.. Brand new horse pasture! Every square inch has been remodeled.. Got out of the Navy and had to move to Las Vegas for my new job.. sadly I can't afford the mortgage and rent both..
Also willing to throw in my timeshare.. 4th of July weekend!

In exchange for House in Nevada, 89074

Approximate value $ : $250,000-$400,000

3 BR 2 BA near southern Las Vegas or in Henderson/Green Valley. Prefer newer, move in ready home but are willing to negotiate. Would love a swimming pool, but it is not a requirement..

ID: 4507, Submitted: 12/01/2009 11:58:56, Updated: 12/01/2009 11:58:56, Visitors: 4893


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