Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Wisconsin

Address: Nekoosa 54457

Approximate value $: 170,000

Lake Arrowhead Association, 2 premier 18 hole Golf Courses, 300 acre Lake with 3 private beaches, ATV, Public Hunting, so much to do.
3 Bedroom/1 3/4 Bath, Open concept bight and clean, full basement, two large decks.

Would like to trade for home in Green Lake/Berlin/Ripon area or Wisconsin Dells area of lesser or equal value.

In exchange for House in Wisconsin

Approximate value $ : 100,000+/-

Prefer 2-3 Bedrooms, 1 1/1/2 baths. Would like ranch style or condo/townhouse. Am looking to downsize in size and upkeep.

ID: 1291, Submitted: 09/01/2008 20:44:20, Updated: 09/01/2008 20:44:20, Visitors: 2601


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