Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Wisconsin

Address: 4204 claire st Madison 53716

Approximate value $: 170,000

Home located on the east side of Madison. Just off of Cottage Grove RD. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, fireplace, 2 decks, 1 car garage. Brand new windows. email for more info.

In exchange for House in Wisconsin, 53959

Approximate value $ : 170,000 or lower

Want to trade for home or land. Preferably in the Reedsburg, Lavalle or WI Dells area. Will also consider only land anywhere north of WI Dells.

ID: 13427, Submitted: 03/30/2011 18:59:30, Updated: 03/30/2011 18:59:30, Visitors: 5232


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