Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Wisconsin

Address: 2373 9th ave Chetek 54728

Approximate value $: 89,000

This manufactured home is located just out side of chetek Wi. Prairie Lake is just across the road and there
is a boat landing down the street. It is just off SS towards Rice Lake so in good area for travel to Barron or
Rice lake areas. House was put up on almost acre tree lot in 2000. Has septic and well. Three bedroom two
bath open floor plan. Gas heat and either gas or electric cook stove hookup, central air. There is a nice
family renting now that want to stay but because of my situation that I plan to move out of state I want to sell
it fast hoping buyer would keep as rental as renters would like to buy later when more established or on
land contract. Well below loan or tax appraisal, to make a quick sale I am asking - $69,500.00

In exchange for House in Kentucky, Missouri

Approximate value $ : 75,000

smaller - Country Home or hobby farm with at least 3 acres semi open for horses. Out buildings a plus.

ID: 18890, Submitted: 11/19/2011 10:10:02, Updated: 11/19/2011 10:10:02, Visitors: 2699


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