Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Wisconsin

Address: Imperial Drive Waunakee 53597

Approximate value $: 240000-250000

Looking to swap for home valued at 180000 or less in Dane County, Columbia, or near Waupun area. We love our home but would like to switch to one parent working! It is a 3 bedroom, 2000 square foot home with one plus acre wooded lot. It is an A frame, custom built.

In exchange for House in Wisconsin

Approximate value $ : 100000-180000

Single family home in Dane county, Columbia, or near Waupun area. We would like something that does not need to much work.

ID: 19035, Submitted: 11/27/2011 22:18:19, Updated: 11/27/2011 22:18:19, Visitors: 2507


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