Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Wisconsin

Address: Prospect st Merrill 54452

Approximate value $: 70000

2 story home 2 full baths 1 up 1 down. 3 to 4 bedrooms kitchen, dinning room, lg front room and den or bonus room. Could be 2 family home easily if your looking for income generating home .Corner lot in city.

In exchange for House in Tennessee

Approximate value $ : 70000

2 beds or more. Could be manufactured on private land. Prefer it to be outside of city, but would like as large of a yard as possible for pets.

ID: 26891, Submitted: 12/30/2019 03:03:44, Updated: 12/30/2019 03:13:55, Visitors: 3720


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