Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Wisconsin

Address: 691 Jackson Parkway Williams Bay 53191

Approximate value $: 340,000

3 Brs, 2 bths, rennovated, private lot on Geneva Lake, private subdivision with 7 boat piers and swim piers, walk to the lakeshore. 1 1/2 car garage, fplc, all appliances, avail 8-1, great schools or great weekend home

In exchange for House in Illinois, 60126

Approximate value $ : 350,000

House or Townhome even a 2 or 3 flat - 2-3 brs 2 bths, garage, CA, FA, family room - basement not required, fplc, rennovated.

ID: 820, Submitted: 07/03/2008 12:23:51, Updated: 07/03/2008 12:23:51, Visitors: 2847


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