Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Wyoming

Address: lane 31 Shell 82441

Approximate value $: 600,000.00

30 acres - buck and rail fencing - creek with water flowing across property - house was built in 1994 - 3 bedrooms/2 bath - sauna built in in master bedroom - basement has bedroom and recreation room - 2 car garage - located at the foothills of the Big Horn Mountains - has clear title and no mortgage

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : 600,000.00

Wanting to trade for comparable valued home as close to the ocean as possible - general warranty deed for general warranty deed

ID: 24283, Submitted: 06/26/2014 19:57:57, Updated: 06/26/2014 19:57:57, Visitors: 7860


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