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Land in Arizona

Address: Hereford/Sierra Vista 85615

Approximate value $: 60,000+

20 beautiful acres in the Mule Mountains outside Sierra Vista, AZ with OUTSTANDING Views! Property overlooks entire valley where you can see for hundreds of miles. Endless trails for walking, atv, horseback, sight seeing! Close to San Pedro River. Nicksvills area for eating, P.O., only 15 minutes away. Sierra Vista only 30 minutes. The night lights are breathtaking. Less than 3 miles off paved road with improved dirt road to property. Good neighbors and safe area. Looking to trade for small place in Southern AZ.

In exchange for Condominium in Arizona

Small dwelling in Southern AZ. Willing to add funding along with property.

ID: 12766, Submitted: 02/25/2011 08:56:19, Updated: 03/01/2011 08:09:49, Visitors: 3100


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