Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Arizona

Address: Whitch Well 85936

Approximate value $: 36,000.00

$8000.00 cash plus TRADE FOR MOTER HOME in good interior and running condition. 40 acre lot with leagle access off Highway 191 that runs from St Johns Arizona up to I-40. This is an undeveloped lot and is currently off grid so solar/wind set up would be needed. There is future value in this land so would make a great investment property. Illness in family is forcing sale/trade. At ONLY $900.00 per acre ($200 per acre plus trade) grab this one if you are looking for a great investment lot!

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 36,000.00

Moter Home/cash or cash only on this one please.

ID: 1753, Submitted: 10/29/2008 19:45:17, Updated: 10/29/2008 19:46:51, Visitors: 2484


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