Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Arizona

Address: 5557 E. Mc Kellips Apache Junction, Az 85219

Approximate value $: 85,000

1.25 acre located very close to the Superstition Mountains.This
property is high on a hill and has view of city lights. I't free and clear. Water connection on the front of the property.Electric
is located on the corner of the property. 480-839-2752

In exchange for Condominium in Arizona

Approximate value $ : 85,000

Would trade for a moble home in a 55 and olde retirement community, or anything of equal value home. I have three 1.25 acres free and clear and very close to the Superstition Mountians
with excellent views at $85,000, $95,000 and $120,000.

ID: 19621, Submitted: 12/21/2011 18:53:36, Updated: 12/21/2011 18:53:36, Visitors: 6142


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