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Land in Arizona

Address: Joseph City 86032

Approximate value $: 60,000.00

2 parcels, one 40ac. and one 20ac., sharing a common property line. Approximately 7 miles North of I-40 at Joseph City. Property in flat and right off a county graded dirt road. Can be divided to 5ac parcels. APN 104-65-002 is SE4 of SE4 of S7 T19N R19E. APN 104-65-001A is E2 of SW4 of SE4 of S7 T19N R19E.

In exchange for Land in Nevada

near Reno, Carson City, Minden area. I can trade up or down in value. I also have other property to add to the right deal.

ID: 23513, Submitted: 08/11/2013 15:31:00, Updated: 08/11/2013 15:31:00, Visitors: 3371


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