Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Arizona

Address: sonoita springs ranch patagonia 85624

Approximate value $: 150000

10 beautiful acres on a ridge close to town- expansive views, power to the lot line.
view it at lot 21 D

this is incredible acreage for a home, horse property, or? close to nat'l forest and just incredible land!

free and clear

In exchange for House in Florida, 33446

Approximate value $ : 100000 to 200 000

3/2 home, single level prefered, looking for clean trade, can add cash. land is free and clear

ID: 6721, Submitted: 06/20/2010 14:09:48, Updated: 06/20/2010 14:09:48, Visitors: 2475


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