Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in California

Address: Buena vista laguna beach 92651

Approximate value $: 2800000

Laguna Beach 1 acre lot w/ approved plans/ retaining wall, partial foundation. 7300 sq foot approved mansion w/ views from every room. Plans took 7 years to get approved. Lot has own private street and overlooks main beach. INCREDIBLE LOCATION... Can complete through drywall for approx 700-900 K

In exchange for Commercial Property in Any state

Approximate value $ : 2800000

Laguna Beach. House when complete will be a magnificent estate w/ private driveway and road. Surrounded by canyons and ocean views. Walk to main town and enjoy world class restaurants and classic beaches w/ european flair. Spent 7 years getting plans approved through city and DRB... my loss is your gain...

ID: 17816, Submitted: 10/11/2011 17:28:14, Updated: 10/11/2011 17:28:14, Visitors: 4082


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