Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in California

Address: Yucca Valley 92284

Approximate value $: 25,000

5 Acres Partial fenced and surveyed on paved road 3 miles to town hospital, doctors, shopping. City utilities to Line on paved road. Will trade for land in AZ, Nevada, of equal or lesser value. Good neighborhood and nice schools. 35 minutes down the hill to Palm Springs, Casinos, 2 hours to LA.

In exchange for Land in Any state

Approximate value $ : 10,00-20,000

more than 2 acres or more close to utilities. Contact email and owner will send pictures and information.

ID: 24452, Submitted: 09/18/2014 16:41:13, Updated: 09/18/2014 16:41:13, Visitors: 15063


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